Saturday, April 18, 2009


When we received the call from Jon last night that Mom and Dad's house was on fire we thought it would just be some small kitchen grease fire.

It wasn't until we rounded the corner and saw three fire trucks, five ambulances, numerous cop cars and the entire neighborhood gathered around the front of the house that we knew things were really serious. When I saw the smoke damage on the whole of the house I couldn't keep the tears in. You run searching frantically for the people you love, hoping they're ok.

But even looking at the front of the house you can't tell how serious things are. You walk around to the back of the house where the fire started and that's when things start to get ugly. The propane tank blew up and caught the whole back porch on fire.

As you walk through the house and see all the damage it's hard to not think of all you lost.

It's also hard to not be grateful for all you didn't. All of the family and pets were safe and really, that's what counts.

You never think it's going to be you or someone you love. And then it is. And it

We take pictures of things that are sad so that one day you can look back and say, "Wow we made it through that. Maybe with even a few disguised blessings along the way." We're so grateful that everyone was safe. We're so grateful for neighbors and friends that gathered around offering any help that they could. And we're especially grateful for our Father in Heaven that's there to guide us through all the ups and downs of life.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Did you see this breaking news story tonight?

Video Courtesy of

This is my mom and dad-in-laws house. Please keep them in your prayers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Things have been crazy busy around our house. Lots of new crazy things going on. I know I said these would be up over the weekend......but I lied. Here they are now for your viewing pleasure!

I love my sweet nieces. They're both so different and it was so fun capturing this toothless time in their lives! I love you girlfriends!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sneak Peak

Check back later this weekend to see more from this fun day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Life is in the Air

I'm SO happy my Mom was here this week. But I'm also happy when she leaves, she sure talks a lot. I love you Mom. We can't wait for you to move back.

We had a fun family party this weekend. I loved watching the little kids run around and search for their eggs.

Has anyone else noticed all the trees budding? It's the best feeling. I love Spring. The start of new life, the color, the smells. It's the best.

We were rounding all the little kids up to take a group picture and Darin yelled "WHOEVER IS LAST HAS TO GIVE ME A BIG KISS!!" You see all the little kids running over to get their spot, and you see my sweet niece Alyssa waiting on the side line with a smirk on her face. She loves giving Darin kisses. He couldn't get rid of her after that.