I can't express the joy you bring to me every day sweet Nora.
When I was pregnant with you I had no idea the amount of love I would feel for you in just a short year.
Each and every day I look at you and wonder if you could be any more beautiful or special to me.
You're so smart and independent. You've been walking for a month and a half. You adore Elmo and Baby Signing Time. You sign "Drink" and "All Done". You give Mommy kisses by coming at me with open mouth and tongue out. I love your sloppy kisses and try to get at least one a day. Sometimes you amaze me by trying to plug cords into outlets or picking up phones to talk on them.
You still don't have a single tooth and we wonder if you'll have to gum things your entire life. It doesn't seem to slow you down though. You love eating everything from fruits and veggies to steak and chicken. That's why I thought you'd go nuts over your birthday cake. But I guess my little girl is too dainty. You took a few bites and that was enough for you.
But don't let that fool anyone. This girl loves her ice cream and throws a complete tantrum when it's gone. But I can't get you to drink juice. You love your water and I'm fine by that.
You still have two naps a day and you've been sleeping through the night for awhile. (9-8)
You love your crib and won't sleep many other places.
You love to play with other kids, and especially love stealing whatever toy they have.
You're quite the hoarder. You love sticking toys and snacks in little hidden spots.
I love finding small toys in random places. In the pantry, hiding in a shoe, in the bathroom drawer.
You're so perfect to me and I couldn't love and adore you more.
The Party
We're grateful for friends and family who love Nora. Thanks for making her birthday special.