Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Part Time Work

So right now I work at a mortgage company as a full time secretary and as a loan officer and processor. It's gotten to be a lot of work for me so I've expressed some interest to my boss that I'd like to take the secretary part time so that I have more time to focus on some other things. She said that would be fine but I have a feeling that unless I find the other part time person that it's never going to happen. So if anyone is looking for some part time work, monday thru friday 1:00-5:00, let me know. You would mainly be cleaning the office once a week, paperwork, errands, answering the phones. Typical secretary job. Let me know if anyone is interested.


The Fords said...

Hey! Is it monday-Friday? Saturday? And do you mind if i ask how much the pay is? Thanks

Dartay said...

Yay, you're doing it! Are you going to focus on the photography?

melissa said...

I'll keep my eyes open about the job! but i mainly wanted to comment on your pictures!! JESS! THose are incredible! You have a gift! that kid is so dang cute! I'm sure its easy to take pictures of a kid that is smiling the whole time:) Nice job, keep up the good work! also, thank you so much for your comment! That really was so nice of you to say, even though i felt like a queer doing them, your comment still made my day!