Saturday, December 26, 2009


We hope everyone had a BEARY Merry Christmas!


Heidi Madsen said...

I LOVE this picture, she is such a sweetheart! I'm excited for her blessing, we'll see you on Sunday. Is there anything you would like me to bring? Like a dessert or some kind of treat? Anything? Let me know.

I'm sad I don't get to spend more time with you too! :( Just pray that Jason will get into to U.

The Forbes said...

How cute is your little one! just reading your post I had to laugh a little bit it really is so so exhausting but you cant explain how great it is at the same time and rewarding. Kynlee was the same at that time crying 7-10 still dont really know why i think she just wanted to test our patients I guess. And just know the sleeping does get better even though you think it will never come. But you really have a little angel she is so adorable.

RaeLynn said...

That's the cutest bear I've ever seen!