Friday, September 26, 2008

When life gives you lemons.....

I haven't posted any interior photos of the house because it's kind of hard to capture the space in a good photo. Well we finally got our cabinets yesterday and they look AWESOME! I thought that was definitly worth a picture. The other picture is of the living room. And then I picked up this steal at Target yesterday. $15
Yes, it's a wine rack. No, I haven't taken up drinking (although with all that's been going on lately it doesn't sound like a bad idea hehe). I've always really loved the look of wine on display but figured it would be kind of silly to buy wine I don't even drink. And I wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea. But then I found these.
Isn't it perfect?? Lorina sparkling lemonade to be displayed on my new wine rack. My kitchen theme is kind of lemons. I've also been lusting after this piece of art for the kitchen.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!



OH MY JESS you are so lucky! it is looking amazing, and I love that lemon idea. I cant wait to see it actually set up in the home. But probably as much as you.

Steph said...

That painting is awesome! I hope we can come see your house when you are all moved in, it is going to look so great! Have fun shopping :)