You know you're getting close once you've had your last baby shower. Darins side of the family threw me a great shower. It was really nice not having to plan anything and just getting to go and relax and eat good food.
I'm looking pretty round these days.
We played a fun game that Aimee planned for us. I got some great gift ideas for when her baby comes, like the snot sucker.
We had the quilting frame set up for the family quilt tradition. It turned out so cute!
And of course I got to open some fun gifts.
I'm due three weeks from today. I can't believe it's almost here already. We have mostly everything ready and are just patiently waiting for her to make her debut.
We finished our second and last birthing class today too. We actually really enjoyed it. We had a great instructor that had a fun sense of humor and made things really comfortable. I mean as comfortable as you can get when you're talking about "penises and vaginas".
She told a story of a lady that came into class and after a while of her using the terms vagina or penis a lady raised her hand and said, "Honestly, I thought you would use terms like "who who" or "cha cha"or "wee wee."
Really? How old are you? 5?
If I went to a medical birthing class and my instructor called my vagina a "who who" I'd get up and walk out. But I guess everyone is different.
It's good to know of all the different things that can happen during labor and delivery. Honestly before the classes I had no idea what to expect. I'm still not sure that I do but I assume most people don't with their first. It made me a little nervous though too. Before, I could just be naive and unaware. Now I can't keep pretending like it's not going to hurt anymore.
Honestly, I'm just excited to be done with this phase. Not just because I want to hold her in my arms or smell her sweet skin, but because I'm just really tired of thinking about being pregnant. It's so consuming. It's what I think about from when I wake up till when I go to bed, and when I'm dreaming most of the time.
And I can't wait to have my body back. My carpal tunnel is so bad I wake up most nights crying, and my hands have been constantly numb for the past week straight.
It's really been amazing though. I've been so blessed to have an uncomplicated pregnancy and to have supportive family and friends!